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Your Garden Vision

Hi there!

My name is Marlena Wolf.  I am the founder and CEO of Guidance for Growers Consulting, LLC.  And gardening did not come natural to me!

I never had a garden growing up so learning how to grow fruits, veggies, and herbs took me some time.  Like years.  I fled corporate America as a young woman due to reoccurring health issues, and took an apprenticeship on an organic vegetable farm. 

I know, I'm extreme. After the first month, I feared I had made the worst decision of my life!  I jumped out on faith & conviction that I could improve my health, if only I could change the food system.  Well that was enough.  I feel in love with horticulture and never looked back.

Two years later, I started Girl Next Door Farm at age 28.  We were on a 22 acre farm just outside of Louisville, Kentucky.  It was my very first entrepreneurial endeavor and I LOVED it.  And hey, growing edible plants is fun, fascinating, and fruitful!  Total win-win.  

Fast forward 4 years, and I closed my farm business to start a family.  I'm happy to say my girls are almost 5 & 2, and raising them can be harder than any day on the farm!  They are a delight, but my desire to return to the land, and to entrepreneurship needed nurturing.  

Hence our acquaintance!  I'm blessed to say, I started my Garden Education & Service company one year ago and have found a way to serve my community again.  Because of people like you, I'm able to meet clients where they are at in their garden journeys and assist in a multitude of ways. 

Having a horticultural expert and mentor in your corner is a sure way to garden success.  Building new muscle takes training, time & work.  You must find someone who can show you how to build up to your aspirations.  Most people won't challenge themselves because they don't feel supported or guided. But we could all use a coach sometime.

That's why my business offers onsite & virtual consulting, private garden lessons, custom garden designs, full service garden installations, including raised bed construction.  We want to lift up your garden vision as to create the best garden experience of your life.

Feel free to take our Garden Vision Intake Form so we can get to know you better!

Look forward to serving you in the near future.

Intake Form HERE


**We book clients quarterly and are only taking 7 more clients for next quarter.  We'll be accepting deposits until the 30th of this month.

To learn more about booking a consultation with us, please click HERE!


Many thanks, and Happy Gardening!

Marlena Wolf, CEO


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