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Strawberries for Mom!


I have had strawberry beds in my backyard for three years now and every year my children love to help me care for them. The strawberry beds are by far their favorite part of the garden and I cherish the evenings I get to go with them and watch them explore and learn. This year Magnolia learned that strawberry leaves, though not the most pleasant, are edible! I created this garden to help my family live healthier lives and that doesn’t just mean eating, it means that my kids get to grow with the plants in my garden. 

I have two beds full of everbearing seascape strawberry plants. These plants will produce all through the season, from about May to October, and are by far one of the easiest fruits to grow! They do need full sun meaning a minimum of 6 hours of sun, but so do I! These two beds practically guarantee that my girls are out in the garden picking strawberries all spring and summer getting vitamin D from the sun and vitamin c and antioxidants from the berries. 

This year I am once again selling strawberry gardens for Mother’s day! I believe that no matter where you are in your journey as a mother, a new mother, a mother or middle schoolers, teens, or if you're an empty nester, home gardening is one of the best ways to care for your families health. The Mother's Day bundle will include:

  • One 4' x 4' x 1' Red Cedar Raised bed with 2 inch thick boards. 
  • Our Signature Soil Blend and 16 young Strawberry plants.
  • Hand Delivered within 3 weeks and installed with a 30 minute session on strawberry care included after delivery
  • A PDF with all you need to know to care for your strawberries in Kentucky

Click here to see al the details!

No matter how you do it, finding ways to spend quality time with your family is priceless!


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