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Home Gardening Inspiration & Education


Summer Survival Kit is Here!

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Composting: Your Complete Guide in Three Steps

Taking the Ew Out of Compost

One of my favorite things to do is to walk out into my garden and pick and eat. It is one of the most rewarding feelings of instant gratification to pick a cucumber off the vine and pull a few radishes up then take them to my kitchen and cut them up for a snack for my family. But then I’m left with radish tops and the ends of a cucumber, instead of throwing those away and adding to the garbage pile I get to take those back to my garden and add them to my compost pile where they will break down and give new life. Composting is a wonderful thing and if you’ve been around with us for a bit then you know we love our soil! Healthy soil supports abundant plant growth, it reduces pests, diseases, and weeds. It is the base of a good garden, and compositing is a fantastic way to take care of your soil and reduce your waste production. By composting, you can grow a more sustainable garden and participate in one of nature's most powerful processes,...

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Louisville Gardening Classes with "Witchy Women" haha

Local Gardening Class?

Thank goodness we don't live in times where women were labeled witches for their worship and wonder of the natural world.  It is our intuition toward togetherness, spiritual grounding, and gathering food that attracts us to each other.  We are bound by our instincts to do this work.    

Most of us are out of practice with our innate ability to grow food and herbs.  Our skills have gone uncultivated and unsharpened for too long. Our desire has been distracted.  We have lost touch with familial survival wisdom.  The art, craft, and science of horticulture has slipped through our hands, most literally.  

Growing food is intuitive - with a bit of nurturing. 

Let me ask you this?  Is it a little witchy to wanna grow gardens with a group of like-minded women?   Women who want to nurture plants and eat real food?  Those who want to connect with each other face to face,...

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